An introduction to EndNote Desktop for new users. Learn how to create a Library, add and modify references, use EndNote with Microsoft Word, add groups, add full-text PDFs, and back-up your EndNote Desktop library. Also includes EndNote Online
At the core of EndNote Desktop is your Library: the file on your computer that stores all of your references. Since references can come from myriad places, including databases, journal pages, Google Scholar, the web, books, newspapers, and more, there are several ways to add references to your Library. The short video below covers the basics. Detailed instructions for Google Scholar, library databases, and manual entry follow.
To export references from Google Scholar to EndNote Desktop:
1. Open EndNote Desktop
2. Navigate to Google Scholar (
Tip: Use the UTC Library's link to Google Scholar for access to articles using the Get It @ UTC link
3. Search for the scholarly source you want to export to EndNote.
4. Click the "Cite" link underneath the source you want to export to EndNote.
5. Select the option to download an EndNote import file.
6. Once the file is saved, double-click on it to open it into EndNote Desktop.
You will often need to make slight edits to your imported reference. See the section on manually entering references for more information. In the meantime, common edits include the following:
To export references from a library database into your EndNote Desktop library:
1. Open EndNote.
2. Go to a library database of your choice and search for you topic.
3. Mark or select the references from your search results that you would like to export into your EndNote Desktop library.
4. Different databases will have different names for the EndNote export function, including Cite; Export; Send to; EndNote; and Save
5. Look for the option to download either an EndNote or RIS file. Download the file to your computer, double-click on it, and it should open directly into EndNote Desktop.
You will often need to make slight edits to your imported reference. See the section on manually entering references for more information. In the meantime, common edits include the following:
References can be manually created in an EndNote Desktop. Examples of a reference requiring manual creation would be a report from a government department's website, information or images from other websites, artwork from a gallery or museum, podcasts, YouTube videos, social media posts, company or industry reports, and unpublished works.
To manually create a reference in your EndNote Desktop library:
1. Create a new reference: References > New Reference OR click on the right of the toolbar towards the top.
2. The default setting for new references is Journal Article . If you are using something else, you can change the reference type within the Reference Type drop-down list, e.g. Book, Book Section [for book chapters in edited books], Conference Paper, Web Page, etc.
3. Fill in the content for the fields you need. Then, File > Save or press Save button on the top right corner . Click the white/blue cross
to close the reference.
4. The reference has now been manually created.
EndNote has specific criteria for how you must enter bibliographic information. Key things to note: