The Ultimate Guide to Girl Scout Bridging Ceremonies for All Levels Including Bridging to Adults

The Ultimate Guide to Girl Scout Bridging Ceremonies for All Levels Including Bridging to Adults

Girl Scout leaders have a lot of ground to cover in the spring. Not only are their field trips to take and badges to complete, if your troop is completing the second year of their level, there is a Girl Scout bridging ceremony to plan. Ceremonies have always been an important part of the Girl Scout tradition. Just as parents take note of important educational milestones, scouting wants girls to stop, reflect, and take a look at what they have accomplished. Girl Scouts bridge every two years from Daisies to Brownies and from Brownies to Juniors. When they bridge from Juniors to Cadettes, they spend grades six through eight in that level.

Once a Cadette becomes a Senior, she is at that level for grades nine and ten. The final Girl Scout level, Ambassadors, are for grades eleven and twelve. Each change of levels is a Girl Scout milestone to be honored and noted. These celebrations are called “Bridging Ceremonies”, and they recognize the girls past accomplishments and help push her towards future goals.

There are many resources for Girl Scout ceremonies for leaders to use as they plan their troop’s bridging ceremony. You don’t have to plan it on your own!

Read the Girl Scout Bridging Requirements!

Before you bridge, be sure to check out the official Girl Scouts of the USA website and make sure you are fulfilling the requirements for your level of scouts.

Here are resources for you to use.

Girl Scout Daisy to Brownie Bridging Ceremony

This blog post is full of advice on how to have a meaningful and easy to implement ceremony. There are links to various resources so you do not have to come up with everything on your own.

Girl Scout Brownie to Junior Bridging Ceremony

This is a detailed plan on how my troop bridged from Brownies to Juniors.

(This blog post is how my co-leader and I made the bridge)

Girl Scout Junior to Cadette Bridging Ceremony

Ideas for older girls who can really do so much of the planning themselves.

Girl Scout Cadette to Senior Bridging Ceremony

This post has links to resources and videos to help your girls create their own Girl Scout bridging ceremony.

Girl Scout Senior to Ambassador Bridging Ceremony

This blog post gives up to date resources for your Girl Scour Senior to Ambassador ceremony.

Girl Scout Ambassador to Adult Bridging Ceremony Ideas

Girl Scout Bridge to Adult Ceremony Ideas

The last bridging ceremony to take place is when your troop ofAmbassadirs bridges to Girl Scout Adult. You can find ceremony ideas in this blog post.

Have you found other resources for your Girl Scout bridging ceremony?