Successful Counseling

Good counseling helps clients choose and use family planning methods that suit them. Clients differ, their situations differ, and they need different kinds of help. The best counseling is tailored to the individual client.

Give time to clients who need it. Many clients are returning with no problems and need little counseling. Returning clients with problems and new clients with no method in mind need the most time, but usually they are few.

Tips for Successful Counseling

Counseling has succeeded when:

Counseling About Effectiveness

The effectiveness of a family planning method is very important to most clients. The effectiveness of family planning methods varies greatly (see Appendix A – Contraceptive Effectiveness). Describing and discussing effectiveness is an important part of counseling.

Describing effectiveness to clients takes thought and care. Instead of talking about pregnancy rates, which can be hard to understand, it may be more useful to compare the effectiveness of methods and to discuss whether the client feels able to use the method effectively.

The chart on the back cover can help. The chart groups contraceptive methods according to their effectiveness as commonly used. Also, it points out how the user can obtain the greatest possible effectiveness.

Women tend to underestimate the effectiveness of the methods on the upper rows of the chart and overestimate the effectiveness of the methods on the lower rows. This may lead them to make misinformed decisions and to choose a contraceptive method that does not meet their needs. Counseling may need to gently correct these common misperceptions.

In counseling it is not possible or necessary to provide complete information about every method. Clients do, however, benefit from key information, especially about the method that they want. The goal of counseling about method choice is to help the client find a method that she or he can use successfully and with satisfaction. Well-informed clients are more likely to be satisfied with their method and to use it longer. Clients need to understand how that method works, how effective it is, how to make the method most effective, what are the most likely side effects, and what to do if such side effects occur. With this knowledge and understanding, clients are better able to exercise their right to make a truly informed choice.