Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse suscipit sapien ac sapien malesuada fringilla. Fusce venenatis, mauris id sagittis dapibus, mauris velit sollicitudin ante, a pulvinar leo orci vel erat. Nam mattis erat augue, at luctus ex dignissim et. Donec suscipit, dui at efficitur tristique, nulla nisi ornare lorem, vel dictum lectus eros nec felis.
Data in an attribute table can be displayed and organized to suit the needs of a user's current analysis. The visibility of the fields can be set by clicking Turn All Fields On, Turn All Fields Off, or checking the boxes next to the field's name in the Layer Properties dialog box.
In some instances, when all fields are checked in the Layer Properties dialog box, some fields are not displayed in the attribute table.
This issue may occur due to the following reasons:
• The field column width is too small, causing the field to be invisible.
• The table has been edited multiple times.
• The map document is corrupt.
• The Normal.gxt file is corrupt.
Use one of the following options to resolve this issue.
Restore the default column widths.
1. Right-click the layer > Open Attribute Table.
2. Click Table Options > Restore Default Column Widths.
Remove the layer from the map document, and add the same layer back to the map.
Close all Esri applications running on the system before proceeding to the option below.
Rename the Normal.gxt file to Normal_old.gxt. The file is located at: